Try all our flavors and discover what makes Talenti so special. All our products are made with non-GMO sourced ingredients which have been evaluated by Where Food Comes From, Inc., and adhere to our Non-GMO Sourced Standards.
In addition to Talenti Gelato, Talenti has Dairy-Free Sorbettos, Organic Gelato and Gelato Layers - 5 layers of the ultimate indulgence. A Venezuela llegan gracias a Unilever, que los presenta al mercado en 10 sabores. Talenti Vanilla Fudge Cookie Gelato Layers is our unique take on a classic ice cream in a chocolate waffle cone. (For clever reuse ideas, check out #Pintcycling on Instagram). We start with our Talenti Double Dark gelato on top, then created a layer with chocolate cookie chunks, followed by a hot fudge sauce, our Madagascan Vanilla. Talenti gelato & sorbetto es una marca de helados elaborados en Texas desde la dcada de los 90, con las tcnicas de Argentina e Italia, pases famosos por la confeccin de sus helados. Please note that Talenti jars are not microwave or dishwasher safe. Most of the Layers flavors play on classic desserts, but bring them into gelato form, like the salted caramel truffle, which combines the vanilla gelato with crunchy chocolate cookies, dulce de leche sauce, and chocolate caramel truffles. Then, we package our products in clear, BPA-free jars that can be recycled and reused any way you like. That’s why we source the highest-quality ingredients from all around the world. At Talenti, we believe the best process and ingredients result in delicious gelato and sorbetto. This indulgent recipe features two different types of gelato! We start with our Talenti Double Dark gelato on top, then add a layer with chocolate cookie chunks, followed by a hot fudge sauce, our Madagascan Vanilla Bean gelato and finally, a fifth layer of Chocolatey waffle cones. The actual ice cream flavors in this tub arent very exciting. Talenti Vanilla Fudge Cookie Gelato Layers is our unique take on a classic ice cream in a chocolate waffle cone. I like the concept of the layers buts its hard to actually have all the flavors in one bite.
We started with our Talenti Double Dark Gelato on top, then created a layer of chocolate. If you’re looking for delicious, you’ve found the perfect frozen dessert. Vanilla Fudge Cookie features two of our iconic gelato flavors.